Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud


Task 1: Run a simple Dataflow job

In this task, you have to transfer the data in a CSV file to BigQuery using Dataflow via Pub/Sub. First of all, you need to create a BigQuery dataset called lab and a Cloud Storage bucket called with your project ID.

1.1 Created a BigQuery dataset called lab

  1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation Menu > BigQuery.
  2. Select your project in the left pane.
  4. Enter lab in the Dataset ID, then click Create dataset.

    1. Run gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.schema . in the Cloud Shell to download the schema file.
    2. View the schema by running cat lab.schema.

      1. Go back to the Cloud Console, select the new dataset lab and click Create Table.
      2. In the Create table dialog, select Google Cloud Storage from the dropdown in the Source section.
      3. Copy gs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.csv to Select file from GCS bucket.
      4. Enter customers to “Table name” in the Destination section.
      5. Enable Edit as text and copy the JSON data from the lab.schema file to the textarea in the Schema section.
      6. Click Create table.

        1.2 Create a Cloud Storage bucket

        1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation Menu > Storage.
        2. Click CREATE BUCKET.
        3. Copy your GCP Project ID to Name your bucket.
        4. Click CREATE.

          1.3 Create a Dataflow job

          1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation Menu > Dataflow.
          2. Click CREATE JOB FROM TEMPLATE.
          3. In Create job from template, give an arbitrary job name.
          4. From the dropdown under Dataflow template, select Text Files on Cloud Storage Pub/Sub under “Process Data in Bulk (batch)”. (DO NOT select the item under “Process Data Continuously (stream)”).

          5. Under the Required parameters, enter the following values:

            JavaScript UDF path in Cloud Storagegs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.js
            JSON pathgs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.schema
            JavaScript UDF nametransform
            BigQuery output tableYOUR_PROJECT:lab.customers
            Cloud Storage input pathgs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.csv
            Temporary BigQuery directorygs://YOUR_PROJECT/bigquery_temp
            Temporary locationgs://YOUR_PROJECT/temp

            Replace YOUR_PROJECT with your project ID.

            1. Click RUN JOB.

              Task 2: Run a simple Dataproc job

              Create a Dataproc cluster

              1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation Menu > Dataproc > Clusters.
              2. Click CREATE CLUSTER.
              3. Make sure the cluster is going to create in the region us-central1.
              4. Click Create.
              5. After the cluster has been created, click the SSH button in the row of the master instance.

              6. In the SSH console, run the following command:  hdfs dfs -cp gs://cloud-training/gsp323/data.txt /data.txt

                1. Close the SSH window and go back to the Cloud Console.
                2. Click SUBMIT JOB on the cluster details page.
                3. Select Spark from the dropdown of “Job type”.
                4. Copy org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPageRank to “Main class or jar”.
                5. Copy file:///usr/lib/spark/examples/jars/spark-examples.jar to “Jar files”.
                6. Enter /data.txt to “Arguments”.

                  1. Click CREATE.

                    Task 3: Run a simple Dataprep job

                    Import runs.csv to Dataprep

                    1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation menu > Dataprep.
                    2. After entering the home page of Cloud Dataprep, click the Import Data button.

                      1. In the Import Data page, select GCS in the left pane.
                      2. Click on the pencil icon under Choose a file or folder.
                      3. Copy gs://cloud-training/gsp323/runs.csv to the textbox, and click the Go button next to it.

                        1. After showing the preview of runs.csv in the right pane, click on the Import & Wrangle button.

                          Transform data in Dataprep

                          1. After launching the Dataperop Transformer, scroll right to the end and select column10.
                          2. In the Details pane, click FAILURE under Unique Values to show the context menu.
                          3. Select Delete rows with selected values to Remove all rows with the state of “FAILURE”.

                            1. Click the downward arrow next to column9, choose Filter rows > On column value > Contains.
                            2. In the Filter rows pane, enter the regex pattern /(^0$|^0\.0$)/ to “Pattern to match”.
                            3. Select Delete matching rows under the Action section, then click the Add button.

                              1. Rename the columns to be:

                                1. runid
                                2. userid
                                3. labid
                                4. lab_title
                                5. start
                                6. end
                                7. time
                                8. score
                                9. state
                                10. Confirm the recipe. It should like the screenshot below.
    3. Click Run Job.

    4. Task 4: AI

      Use Google Cloud Speech API to analyze the audio file

      1. In the Cloud Console, click on Navigation menu > APIs & Services > Credentials.
      2. In the Credentials page, click on + CREATE CREDENTIALS > API key.
      3. Copy the API key to the clipboard, then click RESTRICT KEY.
      4. Open the Cloud Shell, store the API key as an environment variable by running the following command:

      5. export API_KEY=<YOUR-API-KEY>
      Replace <YOUR-API-KEY> with the copied key value.
  5. In the Cloud Shell, create a JSON file called gsc-request.json.
  6. Save the following codes to the file.

  7. {
      "config": {
          "languageCode": "en-US"
      "audio": {
    1. Use the following curl command to submit the request to Google Cloud Speech API and store the response to a file called task4-gcs.result.
    2. curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary @gsc-request.json \
      "${API_KEY}" > task4-gcs.result
    3. Upload the resulted file to Cloud Storage by running:
  8. gsutil cp task4-gcs.result gs://<YOUR-PROJECT_ID>-marking/task4-gcs.result

    Replace <YOUR-PROJECT_ID> with your project ID.

  9. Use the Cloud Natural Language API to analyze the sentence

    1. In the Cloud Shell, run the following command to use the Cloud Natural Language API to analyze the given sentence.

    2. gcloud ml language analyze-entities --content="Old Norse texts portray Odin as one-eyed and long-bearded, frequently wielding a spear named Gungnir and wearing a cloak and a broad hat." > task4-cnl.result
  10. Upload the resulted file to Cloud Storage by running:

    gsutil cp task4-cnl.result gs://<YOUR-PROJECT_ID>-marking/task4-cnl.result

    Replace <YOUR-PROJECT_ID> with your project ID.

  11. Use Google Video Intelligence and detect all text on the video

    1. In the Cloud Shell, create a JSON file called gvi-request.json.
    2. Save the following codes to the file.

         "features": [
    3. Go back to the Cloud Console, click on Navigation menu > APIs & Services > Credentials.
    4. Click the service account named with “Qwiklabs User Service Account” to view the details.
    5. Click ADD KEY > Create new key.
    6. Choose JSON and click CREATE to download the Private key file to your computer.
    7. Upload the file to the Cloud Shell environment.
    8. Rename the uploaded file to key.json.
    9. Run the following commands to create a token.

      gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file key.json
      export TOKEN=$(gcloud auth print-access-token)
    10. Run the following command to use theGoogle Video Intelligence and detect all text on the video.

      curl -s -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer '$(gcloud auth print-access-token)'' \
         '' \
         -d @gvi-request.json > task4-gvi.result
    11. Upload the resulted file to Cloud Storage by running:

      gsutil cp task4-gvi.result gs://<YOUR-PROJECT_ID>-marking/task4-gvi.result

      Replace <YOUR-PROJECT_ID> with your project ID.

    Congratulations! You completed this challenge lab.


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